Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Just let it out(9)

Cheaters i never understood why people cheat. Rather it be on a test or on the person they're with. Have they ever heard of honesty? I have never cheated on anyone that i was with i always told them that it was over. That just gets under my skin. For instince, when you live with someone that pays your bills, that is putting a roof over not just yours, but your kids too, and you go out and cheat on them. That happend this weekend to a friend of mine but i really couldn't say anything becuse he would kick her out and then she would be our problem becuse that is my boyfriends sister that did that to the man that she is staying with. He is the only one that she has been with that hasn't went to jail and has a kid that he has and is not paying child support on, unlike her dead beat baby daddys. I like writeing in this blog becuse it just lets me get stuff out normally i would keep in.

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