Monday, October 11, 2010

My weekend(14)

this weekend i went to Norman. i was happy, because i was getting to go shopping. i went with my boyfriends cousin Selena and my daughter nira. went to kohl's and then to the sooner mall. we left the house around 11 or so and we didn't get back until 8 or 9 that night. so me and Selena thought that we would go out and do something that night so we called my boyfriends sister Kenna and told her that she was coming with us she never goes out and dose anything but Saturday night she was going to. we didn't all get around until 11 that night but when we all got ready we left to go to the village that place was full of dumb people. so we sat there for awhile and then Kenna's got a texts message saying some people that we knew was having a party down in the gate (Coalgate). so we got back into the car and went down there. when we finally got there it was like 12 o'clock. there was nobody there that she said would be there but there was free beer and liquor. that night i got fucked up. its been while since i have drank and we were playing all kinds of drinking games. on the way home a was not prepared for the ride home. Selena did drink as much as me and Kenna and plus she took a nap before we left too. she was going fast and i was getting sick it was crazy. i know that night that i got alcohol posioning. the nexted day i felt like shit i couldn't even eat or drink anything that hole day.

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